
It was a place called Dalmere.

AKA, the mythical realm of Massachusetts.

We’re the husband-and-wife duo of Arthur and Ellie. The stories, people, and places below are fictional, but the joy that we have in imagining and journaling these creations is very real. TrueBlack Forge started as a passion project, our very own love for board games and RPGs in particular mixing with Arthur’s background in design and industrial production. We loved the idea of holding and playing with real metal coins, and sought to create our own set that combined a realistic and well-written backstory and design with impeccable craftsmanship and true-to-life materials: solid iron and brass.

After years of sketching, prototyping, and experimenting, we’re proud to present TrueBlack Forge! All coin designs, illustrations, videos, and photography were produced by ourselves. These coins and gems (dice) from the kingdom of Dalmere are our contribution to the ever-growing and beloved world of RPGs, board games, and LARPing. We hope these bring as much joy to you as they have to us!

Arthur + Ellie

Dalmere is fueled by the “Silver Sail,” its most commonly used coin. Used as an intermediary piece, the Sail is valued at 10 silver “Bullheads” and 1/10 of a golden “Bastion”, and is traded in innumerable quantities across the kingdom daily. Used to hire laborers, buy everyday equipment, and stock up on bulk foodstuffs, this coin is truly the backbone of a civilization. Its obverse is stamped with its namesake, a sailing ship known as a “cog” or “roundship”, the hulking carriers that brought Dalmere wealth and prosperity over hundreds of years, with surrounding type roughly translated to “150 years (of) endless prosperity growing from/into the ocean”

The coin’s reverse displays a scale for weighing and measuring goods and precious metals, a symbol of the coin’s daily and everlong task of facilitating trade across the kingdom, and is stamped with the words “Stability/Constancy, Growth”

The Silver Sail’s smaller brother is the silver “Bullhead,” the lowest denomination of Dalmere. It is most commonly used for trading the smallest of goods, meals, and favors, and is also usually the first coin a Dalmerian citizen is likely to own, particularly as a child entering the workforce.

Founded by a people that value hard work and perseverance, the humble and strong bull was elected its namesake, bearing the weight of labor and earning the vast majority of the working people’s livelihoods. This obverse also translates to “Strength, perseverance”.

The reverse is an homage to the working classes responsible for the sturdy foundation of the land: an axe for the woodsman, a hammer for the smith, and a bushel of wheat for the farmer. This side features the unusually inspiring mantra translating to “Great things start small.”

While the Silver Sail is the most commonly used coin in Dalmere, it is the “Bastion” that reigns as the golden standard. The gold coin sets the rate at which other coins are measured, and is the basis for one “gold piece.”

The obverse is stamped with the visage of Queen Ada Dalmere, wearing the blindfold synonymous with her person. Ada, born blind in an orphanage and childhood friend to King Petrus Dalmere, has stood as the embodiment of charity, kindness, and warmth for the people of Dalmere, her face encircled with the words “Strength is forgiveness” and “mercy”.

The commoner’s admiration for the queen has grown such that she is likened to the patron goddess of the lost and sick, Enala, whose symbol is the chalice stamped upon the reverse of the golden Bastion. There, Enala’s chalice stands above the seat of Dalmere’s power, Castle Gernsback, encircled with the words “Strong days, Bright days”.

The golden “Throne” is Dalmere’s highest minted denomination, valued at 10 golden Bastions. Always decreed to feature the head of the reigning king, the current Throne has been stamped with the visage of King Petrus Dalmere for the past 15 years, following the death of his father, King Reinnard Dalmere near the conclusion of the Sweeping Wars. A time of unrivaled expansion in exchange for an equally unrivaled cost of life, Petrus vowed to never again repeat such an age of bloody turmoil, and Dalmere has flourished in relative peace and economic growth since. His image is flanked by words translating to “pledged faith” and “brave deed”, with abbreviations for “always serving” atop his crown.

The reverse is emblazoned with the sigil of the kingdom, the Undutta-Elk and a shield featuring a hammer. Fabled to be the war mount of choice of the first founding fathers of the kingdom, the Undutta-Elk, now extinct and a beast of legend, was famed to be the strongest and most resilient of all animals, both kind and fiercely protective. Before the reign of King Petrus, the royal sigil featured only the elk and hammer. The six-sided shield was added relatively recently upon the king’s request, his symbol to signify the end of hostilities and an internal strengthening of the kingdom.

Teruzine,” discovered and primarily mined by the northern towns of Dalmere, is the most precious mineral export of the kingdom. Mount Lockett, the only known region of the continent harboring the stone, is settled at its base by the mining outposts of Carrading, Goldslode, and Lockett-Town, collectively known as the “Teru-town Three.”

Not particularly hard or resilient as compared to other precious stones, Teruzine finds little utilitarian purpose. Its warm yellow coloring and highly refractive facets earn it great acclaim by jewelers and collectors, though the vast majority of its great fame and value are instead earned by its more curious property: scent.

Teruzine, when heated at high temperature, can be ground and refined through the use of various acids and alcohols to produce an intensely warm, musky, and sweet perfume. It reportedly conjures feelings of comfort and memories of long-lost love and nostalgia. Colloquially known as "honeystone" for this reason, its perfumes are exported and sold across the known world. In high enough quantities and frequent enough exposure, the resulting substance can form a psychological addiction, though one that only the rich are in danger of affording.

Dalmere is considered a fairly young kingdom on the continent of West Mederra. Currently only 4 generations old, its reigning monarch, King Petrus Dalmere, inherited governance of the sea-straddling land nearly 15 years ago. His father, King Reinnard Dalmere, had grown the kingdom’s reaches nearly threefold over a 3-year long campaign, the Sweeping Wars, named for the speed and expansive area of land captured. For as much as King Reinnard had gained, as many souls on either side had been lost, and he himself succumbed to injuries during the conclusion of the final stretch, in spite of its success.

Devoted to a life more civil and peaceful, the heir to the kingdom now attempts to make peace with his father’s former enemies, granting them privileged access to her waters and steadily increasing rights for conquered peoples.

Still, Dalmere sits upon a long list of strategically important locations, and many look upon her with a jealous eye. She is blessed with a multitude of harbors and bays, the only known Teruzine deposit on the continent, and endless waves of rich forestland and rivers. The children that lived through the Sweeping Wars are now coming of age, their memories still sore at the loss of their families while Dalmere grows stronger every season. Small pockets of dissent have grown louder over the years, and word spread of a coalition having risen from their ranks.


Hers is a success story still being written, a land of bustling towns, unmapped and crawling caverns, breezing ships ready to sail to lands unknown. Armed with great aspirations and your lucky pouch of gold, countless worlds are just a footstep away.

Like the growth and success of this land, yours will also be borne on the backs of coins dutifully (or unscrupulously) earned: silver and gold that mirror these townspeople’s ideals and beliefs.